Barriers to patients reading their own medical records

The second British Medical Journal webinar on the hot topic of Record Access by patients has been published on YouTube.

In this one, the discussion focuses on cultural and professional barriers to implementing record sharing with patients.

Barriers can include:

  • Concerns about patients becoming anxious if they see data that worries them, without news being broken to them by a clinician, particularly what test results should be made available when

  • Consequent concerns about professional indemnity

  • Concerns around providing appropriate support to patients if they are getting bad news in a resource-constrained environment

  • Enabling shared decision-making, when ordering a test, discuss what the outcomes of the test might be up-front

  • Equity of access: not all patients have access to suitable digital technology or the digital skills to use these tools.

  • Concerns about increased demand from patients wanting clarification on what they are reading

  • Some medical schools are now teaching relevant skills to student medics to work with patients who have full record access.

  • One stand-out point for me was when we consent to a doctor to view our GP record, whether we know what we are giving consent to if we've never had access to that record. Food for thought!

  • This is an in-depth discussion and well worth listening to

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