Sick notes are now called ‘Fit Notes, ‘ also known as a medical certificate or a ‘Statement of Fitness for Work’. But most people still know them as ‘sick notes’, so we’ll call them that.
- They must be signed by a doctor or Allied Health Professional, but you do not always need to be seen in person to get one. It depends on:
- why you’re off work sick
- whether a GP needs to assess you face-to-face
- if you have been in hospital [in which case the Hospital must issue you a sick note]
- generally, doctors don’t need to see you if you are extending an existing sick note
Have you been sick for long enough to need a sick note?
- Seven days off sick or less – Use Self Certification – If you’re off work sick for 7 days, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by completing a form when you return to work. This is called self-certification.
- Eight or more consecutive days off sick [including weekends and bank holidays] – If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer will usually ask for a fit note (or Statement of Fitness for Work) from a GP or hospital doctor.
Your GP surgery will likely have a way to request a sick note online
If you need a sick-not from your GP, you should visit your GPs website; they may offer one of the following options:
- Requesting a sick note via online consultation, e.g. eConsult, AccuRx or another system [this may also be described as an Admin request]
- An email address for patients to use through which you can request a sick note
- A basic online form to request a sick-note
- Another option
Click here to watch how to request a sick note from your GP’s website using eConsult
Click here to watch how to request a sick note from your GP’s website using the AccuRx System
Click here to watch how to send your sick note electronically to your employer or the DSS
Click here to watch a video explaining how to get a sick note online
What will happen after you have requested your sick note online:
- You may get an SMS with a link to download it, or,
- You may be invited for an online, telephone or face-to-face consultation with a GP, or other health professional to discuss your request
What a sick note says
- The note will say that you are either ‘not fit for work’ or ‘may be fit for work’.
- If it says you ‘may be fit for work’, your employer should discuss any changes that might help you return to work (for example, different hours or tasks).
- It would help if you were treated as ‘not fit for work’ without agreement on these changes.
- Employers can take a copy of the fit note. You should keep the original.
Renewal of a sick note
- If you have a continuing problem and have already received a sick note from the GP, request a renewal using the online method mentioned above.
- You do not always need to book an appointment. Your GP may organise a telephone consultation with you or be able to issue a certificate without needing to see you.
Sum Up
1. Have you been sick for more than seven consecutive days?
2. Have you been in hospital [if so, the hospital should be providing your sick note]
3. If you’ve been ill for more than seven days and off work, you can request a sick note from your GP
4. Visit your GPs website, find out how to request a sick note online and request it
5. Your GP may then send a sick note or send you an invitation for a face-to-face or online appointment to find out more before completing the note
Next Steps
Sick Note Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a sick note or fit note?
A sick note, also known as a fit note or Statement of Fitness for Work, is a document issued by a doctor confirming a medical condition affecting your ability to work. It includes information on your illness or injury and guides any work adjustments you may need, such as light duties or reduced hours.
2. When do I need a sick note?
If you have been unwell for 7 or more consecutive days (including weekends and holidays), you will need a fit note to remain off work. For shorter absences, self-certification is typically sufficient, allowing you to inform your employer without a doctor’s note.
3. Can I get a sick note online?
Yes, many GP surgeries allow you to request a sick note online.
4. Will my employer accept an online sick note?
Online sick notes provided by UK-based services are generally accepted, as they include all necessary information, such as the GP’s GMC registration number. Some services even offer verification codes that allow employers to confirm authenticity by phone. However, employers are not legally required to accept fit notes from private providers.
5. Can a doctor backdate a sick note?
Yes, a doctor can backdate a sick note, typically up to two weeks, if needed.
6. What should I do if I need adjustments at work?
Your doctor can include recommendations on your sick note for workplace adjustments, like altered hours, modified duties, or additional support from colleagues. If your employer cannot accommodate these adjustments, the note may state that you are “not fit for work.”
7. How do I extend my sick note?
If you need more time off, you must see a doctor again to obtain a new sick note. They will reassess your condition and provide updated guidance on your ability to work.
8. Is there a cost for a sick note?
Sick notes from the NHS are free if you have been off work for over 7 days. However, private services may charge a fee, especially if you need a note for absences of less than 7 days or if your employer requests a medical certificate.
9. Can an employer override my sick note?
Legally, employers cannot override a doctor’s decision. If a GP has declared you unfit for work, your employer should respect this recommendation.
10. How do I send my sick note to my employer?
You can deliver the sick note to your employer in person, by post, or via email. If posting, consider notifying your employer by phone or email to avoid delays.
11. Can I get a sick note for court or travel purposes?
Most online GP services do not provide fit notes for court appearances or travel (e.g., “fit to fly” letters). For these, you will need to consult your GP directly.
12. Can I get a sick note for 7 days or less
If you expect to be ill for 7 days or less, your GP won’t give you a sick note. But you can still self-certify your illness by completing the statement of sickness form on the HMRC website. Give it to your employer as proof of illness and to claim your Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).
13. When should I go back to work?
It would be best if you returned to work as soon as possible.
Talk to your employer if you feel well enough to return to work before the end date on your fit note, for example, if:
– you’ve recovered from your illness or injury sooner than expected
– your employer can make reasonable adjustments to help you return to work (GOV.UK)
14. Do I need to ask my GP about returning to work?
You do not need to see a healthcare professional again to return to work.
Your employer may ask for confirmation that you’re fit for work, but healthcare professionals do not have to provide this.
Depending on your job, you may need to meet other requirements before returning to work after being ill.
For example, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) rules apply if you drive a large vehicle, such as a lorry or bus.
Find out more about driving with a medical condition or disability on GOV.UK
Get free advice on returning to work after absence on the Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) website